Venus stands as one of the four rocky planets within our solar system, and represents just one of the numerous elements you can generate in Infinite Craft.
This particular element proves crucial for crafting various other items, particularly when you’re aiming to create components related to romance, existence, and countless other combinations that can result in unexpected discoveries. However, if you’re just beginning your journey, you’ll need to work through several different element pairings from the basic starting materials to reach your goal.
For the quickest method to obtain Venus in Infinite Craft, check out this straightforward tutorial.
Creating Venus in Infinite Craft

Requiring only five specific combinations, Venus ranks among the more accessible elements to craft that can unlock even more exciting possibilities. Below is the complete crafting sequence for Venus, which will add four new elements to your inventory while requiring barely a minute to complete.
- Wind + Fire = Smoke
- Smoke + Water = Fog
- Earth + Wind = Dust
- Dust + Earth = Planet
- Planet + Fog = Venus
Once Venus is crafted, you can explore romantic elements by making Love. Love emerges from mixing Venus and Fog, which may seem like an unusual pairing to produce affection. Additionally, Venus enables you to craft several other fascinating elements, including:

- Venus + Wind = Aphrodite
- Venus + Clay = Cupid
- Venus + Superman = Wonder Woman
- Venus + Japan = Geisha
- Venus + Labyrinth = Minotaur
- Venus + Pokémon = Venusaur